Bye Bye Little Birdie

Yesterday afternoon, I went out to enjoy the unseasonably cool and breezy May afternoon.

I gravitated to my Little Angel Garden that I had created and dedicated back in 2000 to remember my two (2) wee babies, I had miscarried. It is my happy place with roses, Bird’s of Paradise,  gardenias,  lemon balm, lavender, bananas, goju berries and as of last two years blueberries.

Remembering I had not yet put in a drip-line to my little blueberry patch, I went to fill the basin with water from my nearby hose. The cool breeze hustled through the costal pine, a fruitless pear and ficus tree that my parents had planted forty-five (45) yrs before,  created a beautiful sound and a lovely green canopy over the little spot, I call my little slice of Heaven.

While absorbing all the sounds and frequencies of life within this little memorial garden, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a fluffy grey little ball in the basin I was filling. My first instinct was to think it was a deceased mouse that a wandering cat had gotten ahold of.

I continued to let the water flow from hose, slowly filling the trough around each bush. It was so calming and peaceful to watch as the water gently made its way down, encircling each of my five (5) blueberry bushes.

I thought, I spotted movement from the little curdled up fluff ball and decided to keep a watchful eye on it.

As the water barely reached out to touch the little grey ball of fluff, I saw it breathing.

I turned off the water, and took a closer look, watching as this little grey poofy object got up and walk through a little opening in the chain link fence and into our dog run adjacent to my little Angel Garden. It turned, and I saw this.

The beak was so large, I mistakenly thought it might be a gosling. I decided to text the above picture to my youngest daughter-in law, who is a certified falconer in CA and in Tennesse for help.

She sent me a video on caring for a wild bird, and sent me to the Feed store for a special baby bird food formula, as I was having a hard time grinding up the chicken and duck starter feed I had on hand for it would not soften enough to mix in the 110 degree water to a smooth, easily digestible consistently.

So here I am, one who has been skiddish around birds, since twelve (12), ever since I snuck out to the living room one night, when my parents and siblings were fast asleep, and watched an Alfred Hitchcock’s movie titled; “The Birds”,  nursing a baby  “Dove” back into the wild because I do not believe climbing up a two-story ladder to try and put it back into the nest at my age.

Life is an adventure, and we never know what God will be asking of us. Embrace the moments while we can, before we are asked to let go again, just as I will be called to do with this little one, when I am called to let go and sing Bye Bye Little Birdie to it.

By Deanna G. DeBondt

Sunday, May 5, 2024


This little one got the hang of it on her 5th feeding.
Eating like a champ.

Published by Healing Thru Song


2 thoughts on “Bye Bye Little Birdie

    1. Awe, it was an honor, and my little grandchildren are living the homeschooling opportunity to learn about how to care for wild birds. The littlest w one is doing very well. She has feathers not fluffy and has a wing span of 12″ already. Though she cannot get her body off the ground yet, she will flap them after eating as if to say, “Look what I can do, the turns her little tail feathers and struts back into her cage like a British queen as if to say, “Be gone I need You not any at the moment!” It’s exhausting but I have been able to expand the feeding time to 3 to 4 hours, and she seems to eat better than every two hours. So that is a blessing.
      Thank yiu for checking in and asking. Have a wonderful day


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